Thursday, September 25, 2014

The Inuit of the Arctic can be described as a traditional economy considering they follow the customs and traditions from their past passed on by elders. Knowing that it is extremely cold in the Arctic, it is obvious that one is not able to plant vegetation. Therefore, eating meat is their main source of diet. The Inuit of the arctic are located in areas such as Northern Canada, Siberia and Greenland.    

                HOW TO PRODUCE?                          

This picture shows how the Inuit would fish for food using
harpoon heads. Also the clothing that they are wearing is 
made from animal fur.

Shelter, food and winter are the three main problems for the Inuit society. They solved their winter problems by using animal fur or skin to make coats and jackets. Caribou was one of their main sources of clothing as well as food. The Inuit use a special knife name Ulu for skinning animals providing them clothing for the harsh winter. Most of the items that the Inuit use are made out of bone, ivory, antlers, teeth, and horns. The two key tools that the Inuit used for their hunting are knifes (stone and bone), spears, bow and arrows. The Inuit used spears, bow and arrows for hunting various land animals for example polar bear. On the other hand, these tools are useless for marine animal therefore they used implements such as harpoon heads. Knifes were mainly used for cutting meat, snow and ice. Constructing shelter was one of the most difficult tasks for the Inuit of arctic. They used ice to make igloos temporarily for fishing. Although, some Inuit use igloos as a permanent solution to shelter. They also made stone houses covered with whale and animal skin to provide warmth.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

The forces that define the method of production is survival. Most of the items that the Inuit produce is related to survival. There are only few item made for luxury. Their method of production is outdated now and not as efficient. The Inuit of the arctic rely mostly on cultural and traditional method therefore there is very less development. It is essential for every member of the family to pitch in considering each and every member relies on the other. The father and son do mostly the hunting and skinning. Whereas the mother and daughter skin the animals, prepare the food and other different related tasks. Now each member relies on the other for example the whole family needs clothing but if the father of the family is not able to hunt enough animal than it is going to be a harsh winter. Similarly if the mother is not able to skin the animals the result is same. Therefore every member of the family relies on the other.


Most of the materials and things produced by the natives were only for survival and usually no surpluses are left. The materials they produced are
  • ·         knifes
  • ·         spears
  • ·         coat
  • ·         Jacket
  • ·         Boots
  • ·         Necklaces
  • ·         Hats
  • ·         bow and arrows
  • ·         igloos
  • ·         stone houses
  • ·         fishing equipment

Each family only produces for their own survival therefore they are not effective in meeting the needs of the individual in the society.There are few natural resources in the arctic which do not include rivers, arable land. Therefore they use ice and animals as their resources to survive. The Inuit of the arctic valued each item according to its type. For example they would trade food for food and clothes for clothes. Whereas when trading with different groups and societies, the Inuit would value metal the most considering it is stronger and harder than bone and ivory. Inuit would have to travel long distance to trade as a result they decided upon a central place where it is easy to reach.


Things are mostly produced for survival and surplus is traded off in return of something else. The father of the family mainly determines who gets what and in some cases the leader of the tribe. The surplus are either traded off or saved for the next winter in some cases. This is because the main goal for the Inuit is surviving therefore any surplus that are left have to be traded off in order to gain something that in shortage among the family.